Security Assessment and K9 Suitability Audit

Security Assessment and K9 Suitability Audit conducts thorough evaluations to assess security measures and determine the suitability of K9 units for specific tasks.

Overview of our Security Assessment & K9 Suitability Audit

At valhall k9, we recognize the critical role that security plays in various industries and organizations. Our Security Assessment and K9 Suitability Audit consultative solution is designed to assist dog training companies in providing comprehensive security services to their clients. Through our expertise and guidance, your organization can conduct thorough security assessments and audits, ensuring that K9 teams are well-suited for specific security tasks and environments.

Needs Assessment and Objectives Definition

A Dog sitting on the Grass

We begin by conducting a needs assessment to understand your organization’s specific goals, target industries, and desired outcomes for security assessments and K9 suitability audits. This process helps us tailor our approach to meet your organization’s unique requirements.

  • In-depth analysis of your organization’s vision, objectives, and target industries for security services.
  • Identification of key areas where security assessments and K9 suitability audits are needed.
  • Collaboration with your team to define the scope and specific goals of the assessments and audits.
  • Customization of assessment methodologies and criteria based on industry standards and regulatory requirements.

Security Assessment

  • Review and analysis of existing security policies, procedures, and infrastructure.
  • Physical site assessments to identify potential security risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Assessment of access control measures, surveillance systems, and perimeter security.
  • Evaluation of emergency response plans and incident management protocols.
  • Identification of potential gaps or areas for improvement in security operations.

Our team works closely with your organization to conduct comprehensive security assessments. We evaluate existing security protocols, identify vulnerabilities, and provide recommendations for improvement.

K9 Suitability Audit

We assist in conducting K9 suitability audits to ensure that the dogs in your organization’s K9 teams are well-suited for their intended security tasks and environments. This audit helps determine the suitability, capabilities, and temperament of the dogs in relation to specific security requirements.

  • Evaluation of individual dogs’ health, temperament, and behavioral traits.
  • Assessment of the dogs’ training records, certifications, and performance history.
  • Examination of the dogs’ obedience, agility, and specific skill sets relevant to security tasks.
  • Verification of the dogs’ physical fitness and ability to handle various working conditions.
  • Identification of any training or skill gaps and recommendations for additional training, if needed.

Report and Recommendations]

  • Comprehensive reports summarizing the findings from the security assessments and K9 suitability audits.
  • Clear and concise presentation of vulnerabilities, risks, and areas for improvement.
  • Detailed recommendations for enhancing security protocols, training programs, and K9 team effectiveness.
  • Prioritized action plans to address identified gaps, with considerations for budget and timeline.

After completing the security assessments and K9 suitability audits, we provide detailed reports that outline findings, recommendations, and actionable steps for improvement. Our reports serve as valuable tools to guide decision-making and enhance security measures.


With our Security Assessment and K9 Suitability Audit consultative solution, valhall k9. enables your dog training company to provide comprehensive security services to clients. By conducting thorough security assessments, evaluating K9 team suitability, and providing actionable recommendations, we ensure that your organization delivers effective security solutions tailored to specific industry needs and requirements.

Thank you again for helping train and certify Truss. It was a real pleasure to be able to work with you and to learn some new tricks. You are a true professional and I am glad that we had the opportunity to meet. Be safe out where you currently are, LOL.

Peter K9 Truss SGT J. Scott / Auburn, GA Police Department
Patrol and Explosives Detection K9 K9 Kilo Don Shaw - USMC

I responded to a bomb threat at our county courthouse today. Blitz found the Judge’s gun and another bullet behind a file cabinet in the parole office. He is the talk of the town in the surrounding 6 counties. -TJ

K9 Blitz Deputy Worrell / Northampton County Sheriff's Office

I just thought you’d enjoy a picture of ol’ Arson doing what he does best… Wrecking the decoy!

MPC Arson Charlie Cummings

Rogue is by far one of the best dogs that I have every had the pleasure of handling. He really is everything that a working dog should be and has exceeded all of my expectations. I enjoy having him around.

Rogue Dakota Miller

We just returned from providing disaster relief and security services in Houston. I just wanted to let you know that Odin and Choke are freaking rock-stars. Talk to you later!

Hey Pete NRK9- Odin and Choke NRK9 Solutions, LLC

Why Choose Valhall K-9 International?

Our tailored and externally validated training programs incorporate the latest industry best practices and are designed to thrive in real-world operational environments. We actively leverage our connections with the law enforcement and special operations communities and their skilled operators to pioneer innovative tactics, techniques, and procedures, ensuring they remain current and effective for both present and future K9 operations.

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Contact US Today for Working Dogs, Training Services and Consultations

Send us your requirements, and we'll get back to you!

123 Dillard Rd., Hull, GA,

United States, Georgia



+1 (706) 372-4351

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