Welcome to
Valhall K-9 International
Valhall K-9 International is a service disabled veteran owned small business (SDVOSB) that was founded to answer the call for a better dog and training by combining scientific innovations and operational feedback to keep up with the ever changing world.
Experience the Difference With Valhall K-9 InTERNATIONAL
Our extensive strategic, operational, and training expertise in K-9 operations worldwide, enables us to lead the way in creating customized, externally validated training programs that not only incorporate the latest industry best practices but are also designed to thrive in real-world operational environments. We proactively leverage our connections with the police K-9 and special operations communities and their skilled handlers for operational validation and to pioneer innovative tactics, techniques, and procedures, ensuring they remain current and effective for both present and future missions.

Thank you again for helping train and certify Truss. It was a real pleasure to be able to work with you and to learn some new tricks. You are a true professional and I am glad that we had the opportunity to meet. Be safe out where you currently are, LOL.

Why Choose Valhall K-9 International?
Our tailored and externally validated training programs incorporate the latest industry best practices and are designed to thrive in real-world operational environments. We actively leverage our connections with the law enforcement and special operations communities and their skilled operators to pioneer innovative tactics, techniques, and procedures, ensuring they remain current and effective for both present and future K9 operations.
Our Working Dogs
Valhall K-9’s working dogs are trained to be versatile and adaptable, making them capable of performing a wide range of tasks in different environments. They undergo rigorous training and proofing to ensure they are properly prepared to overcome any situation they may face in the field. Our commitment to excellence extends to every aspect of our operations, including the performance of our canines.
Valhal K-9 International Is Founded and Managed by Industary Experts

Peter Schnurrer - CPDT-KA, Chief Executive Officer
As the founder and CEO of Valhall K-9 International, Peter has experience in training dogs and their handlers for police, military, and security applications for an international client base. His agricultural upbringing, along with his background in military and emergency services helped influence his training approach – which is now implemented by working dog handlers and trainers in multiple countries.
Peter is a working dog advocate and when he isn’t training professionally, he competes in protection sports with his personal dogs. He is a member of the Royal Dutch Policedog Association (KNPV) and a certified helper for the American Politiehond Association. He is committed to delivering the best quality to our customers and continuing to be a community leader in the process.
Service:US Army Combat Veteran
Southside Fire and EMS
Georgia Ports Authority Police Department
We offer Wide Range of Dog Training and consultative Services
Providing exceptional service that exceeds expectations, we are dedicated to delivering the best possible experience for our valued clients.

Training services

Pet training

Consultative solutions
We take pride in our commitment to excellence and our focus on operational success. Our goal is to provide you with the tools, expertise, and guidance you need to achieve your mission-critical objectives with confidence and success. Contact us today to learn more about our working dogs and how we can help you achieve your operational goals.
Contact US Today for Working Dogs, Training Services and Consultations
Send us your requirements, and we'll get back to you!
123 Dillard Rd., Hull, GA,
United States, Georgia
+1 (706) 372-4351